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Protection Aura Spray



Potent with a strong grounding force, this aura spray will swallow negative energies. It effectively helps absolve of dark feelings, turning these anxious vibrations into a positive spin that nurtures the soul. Connected to the base chakras, those earthly roots that help you to feel safe and secure in your place upon this earth. Keeping you tethered at all times is an amazing way to keep your root chakra ready and clear, meaning that you can bask in the brilliance of self-confidence, feel connected to those around you, and make decisions based on need, not fear.

By cutting through anxious thoughts, protecting you from the negative energies of others, and helping you stay connected, you can say farewell to debilitating levels of stress and anxiety. When you welcome positive energy, you also pave the way for good luck to flow towards you.


All the ingredients in this formula are focused to support your base chakras, those earthly roots that help you to feel safe and secure. When your root chakras are beautifully balanced, this results in deep-seated self-confidence to embrace who you are, speak your truth, and set upon your own path to spiritual healing. Infused with crystals, 100% pure essential oils (Rosemary, Wild Orange, Eucalyptus, Clove, Cassia and Cinnamon), Polysorbate 20, purified healing moon water, energetic healing methods and even the use of particular vibrations throughout production phase and labelling, are all focused on getting the best out of this product.

Avoid during pregnancy. DO NOT ingest.




You can spray yourself before heading out for work in the morning or before bed, for example. You might also want to clean a room for a fresh start before or after meditation or between clients.

It works better and deeper if used daily, as it takes time for the Aura to adjust to the higher vibratory state. The more frequently you use over a period of time, the deeper it will work. Some people are more sensitive than others, even though you might not feel the shift, the process is happening.


Hold the spray at arm’s length above your head, spray several times and allow the mist to fall around you. The bottles are specially designed to protect and preserve the crystals, essential oils, purified healing moon water and energetic healing energy from radiation produced by visible light.

Avoid during pregnancy. DO NOT ingest.


Store out of direct sunlight and use within 6 months.


We would suggest booking a session with Raziel healing from which we will get a better understanding of your energetic body.


Raziel healing aura sprays and services are designed to support you in dealing with everyday challenges. Integrating healing and transformational energies into your aura, chakras and energetic systems to help support your life journey.

A willingness to CHANGE and LET GO is required to get the most out of these products and services.


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Helping people with physical problems for example aches and pains to chronic ailments. Also with emotional problems like stress, worry, anxiety, trauma, even addictions.

The sessions really help give people peace of mind and even mental clarity.


The Barn Meadow Court
Faygate Lane,Faygate,
Horsham, England,
RH12 4SJ
+44 7766 525 614

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