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Energy Healing London

Energy healing london

Rejuvenate Your Well-Being with Energy Healing London, a peaceful and calming session designed to harmonize body, mind, and soul. Drawing from ancient healing traditions, our personalized sessions target the root of your physical discomforts and emotional turmoil. My practice defies geographic boundaries, reaching out to global seekers via video calls. I am blessed to be able to connect with clients globally, providing video call sessions that transcend the boundaries of time and space.

Key Features:

  • Physical Healing: Whether it is recurring aches, stubborn pains, or chronic ailments, our energy healing techniques work to restore your body’s natural balance.  Using a combination of modalities such as Energy Healing, Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Chakra Balancing, we address the underlying energy imbalances that may be causing your physical discomforts.
  • Emotional Relief: Stress, worry, anxiety, and trauma can upheave your inner peace. Our sessions create a sanctuary where emotional burdens are lifted, providing a refreshing mental clarity.  We also offer guided meditations to help you release negative emotions and cultivate a peaceful state of mind.
  • Mental Clarity: Experiencing foggy thoughts? Energy Healing London helps clear your mind, offering the clarity that lights your path to personal growth.  By removing mental blockages, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life’s purpose.
  • Trauma and Addiction Support: Navigating trauma and addictions can be complex. Our approach is gentle yet profound, ushering in an era of healing that addresses these sensitive challenges head-on.  Our unique energy healing techniques help you release negative patterns and self-destructive behaviors, paving the way to a healthier and happier life.
  • Holistic Approach: We believe in treating you, not just your symptoms. Our comprehensive care looks at the bigger picture, ensuring harmonious healing.  We combine ancient wisdom with modern techniques to create a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Calmness & Peace of Mind: Leave each session with a newfound sense of calmness and a peaceful mind, equipped to face life’s ups and downs.  Our healing sessions not only release negative energy but also replenish your mind and spirit with positive, uplifting energy.

What is Energy healing?

A healer acts as a channel for healing energies that help to establish balance in body, mind and spirit. Healing may be given as a complementary therapy for any illness, stress or injury. It has no side effects and is not specific to any religious or spiritual beliefs. Similarly, healing does not distinguish between race, class, sex or religion.

Healing is not a magic wand that can make all well. It is a process that requires your commitment. A willingness to change is fundamental to the healing process. Furthermore, healing cannot be given without consent. No guarantee can or will be made about the outcome.

Our healing services is a non-touch therapy that can help improve many areas of life, including health, finances, relationships and personal or spiritual development. Sessions and personal guidance/mentoring are performed over Zoom/Phone/Skype and FaceTime.

The service is an effective and natural way to improve your health and well-being. Our energy healing service can help you achieve a sense of balance and harmony in your life, by working on your physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Each session is tailored specifically to your needs, so that you can get the most out of the experience. And because we believe that everyone deserves to feel their best, we offer affordable pricing for our energy healing services. So why not give us a try today? You may just find that it’s the missing piece in your puzzle of health and happiness.

Definition of Energy Healing

Energy healing, a holistic practice rooted in ancient traditions, focuses on rebalancing the body’s natural energy flow to enhance overall well-being. By harnessing universal energy, practitioners facilitate healing by transferring this vital life force to clients through touch or specialized tools.

This process not only addresses physical ailments but also nurtures emotional and mental wellness, promoting a harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit.

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy medicine is a holistic approach to healing that works with the body’s subtle energy systems. It recognizes that our physical, mental, and emotional well-being is influenced by the flow of energy within us and around us. By clearing blockages and restoring balance in these energy pathways, we promote healing on all levels.

At Raziel Healing, we specialize in various forms of energy medicine, including Reiki, to help alleviate physical pain, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, increase overall vitality, and support emotional well-being. Our certified healers use a combination of hands-on techniques and intuitive guidance to address your unique needs.

History of Energy Healing

Aside from balancing energy, energy healing can also promote relaxation and stress reduction. It is believed to work by clearing blockages or imbalances in the body’s energy pathways, known as meridians. This helps to improve the flow of energy throughout the body, allowing it to function at its optimal level.

Energy healing traces its roots back to ancient cultures such as Chinese medicine, Native American healing practices, and Ayurveda from India. These cultures believed that illness was caused by imbalances in the body’s energy system, and restoring this balance was the key to good health.

Today, there are various forms of energy healing techniques that have evolved from these traditional practices. Some popular ones include Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, and chakra balancing. Each technique has its unique approach to harnessing and manipulating energy, but they all share the common goal of promoting wellness and healing.

How Energy Healing Works

Energy healing operates on the principle that every living being is infused with a subtle energy force that sustains life and vitality. Practitioners believe that when this energy becomes blocked or unbalanced, it leads to physical, emotional, or spiritual health issues. The process of energy healing aims to identify these blockages and restore the flow of energy, thereby promoting the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Techniques may involve the laying on of hands, use of crystals, sound waves, or visualization exercises, with the intention of transmitting or redirecting energy to the patient. The efficacy of these methods is thought to depend on the skill of the healer and the openness of the person receiving treatment, with outcomes varying widely from person to person.


energy healer london

Finding a skilled energy healer in London can significantly enhance your overall well-being. The city is home to a diverse range of practitioners, each bringing their unique expertise and experience to the healing process. When choosing an energy healer, it’s important to consider their qualifications, methods, and personal philosophy to ensure a good fit for your needs.


Selecting the right energy healer is a personal journey that requires careful consideration. Look for practitioners who are certified in their specific modalities, whether that be Reiki, crystal healing, or any other form of energy medicine. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations from trusted sources can provide insight into the healer’s effectiveness and approach. It’s also essential to have a consultation with the healer beforehand to discuss your needs and expectations, as well as any pre-existing conditions or concerns.


London offers a vibrant community of energy healers who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their practice. Whether you’re new to energy healing or seeking to deepen your current practice, the city has resources and practitioners to support your journey. From specialized clinics to holistic health centres, there are numerous places where you can explore different forms of energy medicine.

Energy healing operates on the principle that every living being is infused with a subtle energy force that sustains life and vitality. Practitioners believe that when this energy becomes blocked or unbalanced, it leads to physical, emotional, or spiritual health issues. The process of energy healing aims to identify these blockages and restore the flow of energy, thereby promoting the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Techniques may involve the laying on of hands, use of crystals, sound waves, or visualization exercises, with the intention of transmitting or redirecting energy to the patient. The efficacy of these methods is thought to depend on the skill of the healer and the openness of the person receiving treatment, with outcomes varying widely from person to person.

Benefits of Energy Healing

Energy healing can address a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. Some studies have shown positive results in treating chronic pain, reducing anxiety and stress, improving sleep quality, and promoting overall relaxation. It can also complement traditional medical treatments by supporting the body’s natural healing processes.

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, energy healing can also promote personal growth and spiritual development. By connecting with one’s inner self and harnessing the power of universal energy, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and life purpose.

Pain Relief

One of the most profound benefits of energy healing is its ability to alleviate pain, both acute and chronic. Unlike conventional medicine that often focuses on treating symptoms, energy healing seeks to address the root cause of pain by reestablishing balance in the body’s energy flow.

This holistic approach can lead to significant reductions in discomfort, offering sufferers a sense of relief and improved quality of life. Patients have reported experiencing a decrease in pain levels following treatments such as Reiki, acupuncture, energy healing, and acupressure, highlighting the potential of energy healing as a complementary therapy in pain management strategies.

Improved Depression and Anxiety Symptoms

Energy healing has also shown promise in the management of depression and anxiety, offering a natural and non-invasive option for those seeking emotional stability. By focusing on the energy flow within the body, these practices aim to release emotional blockages which can contribute to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and overall emotional distress.

Many who have undergone energy healing therapies report a sense of calmness, reduced stress levels, and an improved outlook on life. Although not a replacement for traditional psychological therapies, energy healing serves as a complementary approach, helping individuals to achieve a more balanced state of mind and facilitating a deeper connection with their inner selves.

Enhanced Overall Well-Being

In addition to pain relief and mental health improvements, those who practice energy healing often report an enhanced sense of overall well-being. This encompasses not just a physical state free from ailment, but also a deep-seated sense of peace, improved emotional resilience, and a heightened awareness of their connection to the world around them. By aligning the body’s energy systems, individuals may find that they are more in tune with their needs and the needs of others, fostering a sense of empathy and interconnectedness.

This holistic sense of health and harmony contributes to a more fulfilling and purposeful life, highlighting the transformative potential of energy healing practices.

energy therapy


Despite its growing popularity, energy therapy is often surrounded by misconceptions that can deter people from exploring its benefits. One common misconception is that energy therapy is purely a placebo effect, with no scientific basis or measurable impact. While scientific research on energy healing is still evolving, numerous studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that these practices can lead to significant physical, emotional, and spiritual improvements.

Another misconception is that energy therapy is linked to specific religious or spiritual beliefs, making it inaccessible to those who do not share those views. In reality, energy therapy is a holistic practice that can complement any belief system, focusing on the universal principles of energy flow and balance. It’s not about embracing a particular ideology but about enhancing overall well-being.

Additionally, some people believe that only the “spiritually gifted” can receive or benefit from energy therapy. This is far from the truth; energy healing is accessible to everyone and can be practiced and experienced by anyone willing to be open to its potential.

Lastly, there is a misconception that energy therapy should replace conventional medical treatments. While energy healing can be a powerful complementary therapy, it is not a substitute for traditional medical care. Integrating energy therapy with conventional treatments can provide a more comprehensive approach to health and well-being, addressing multiple facets of an individual’s needs. Understanding these misconceptions is crucial for anyone considering energy therapy, as it sets realistic expectations and opens the door to exploring its true potential. So why not let go of any preconceived notions and embrace the possibilities that energy healing can offer?

Energy Healing Safety and Side Effects

While energy healing is generally considered safe for most individuals, it is essential to approach these therapies with an informed and cautious perspective. The majority of energy healing practices are non-invasive and are often used in conjunction with traditional medical treatments rather than as a replacement. However, it is crucial for individuals to seek care from qualified and experienced practitioners to ensure the safety and efficacy of the treatment.

Some people may experience mild side effects after an energy healing session, such as fatigue, emotional release, or heightened sensitivity. These reactions are generally temporary and often seen as part of the healing process, indicating the body’s response to the rebalancing of its energy flow. Nonetheless, it is important for clients to communicate any discomfort or adverse effects they experience to their practitioner, who can adjust the treatment accordingly.

It is also worth noting that, while energy healing can offer numerous benefits, it should not be used as a sole treatment for serious or life-threatening conditions. Individuals with such conditions should always consult with a healthcare professional or a doctor to discuss the most appropriate care options. Energy healing can serve as a complementary therapy, potentially enhancing the effectiveness of conventional treatments and improving overall quality of life.

Though each individual’s journey is distinctive, typical feelings that clients might experience during energy healing encompass:

A profound sense of relaxation and peace, heightened awareness of bodily sensations, and sometimes vivid visualizations or memories surfacing from the subconscious. These experiences are natural and indicate that the energy within the body is beginning to flow more freely, tackling blockages that may have been contributing to physical or emotional distress. Clients often leave sessions feeling lighter, with a sense of clarity and renewed purpose. However, it’s important to remember that the healing process is unique to each individual, and experiences can vary widely. Practitioners usually encourage clients to take time to reflect on their healing journey, maintain a journal of their experiences, and stay hydrated to facilitate the body’s natural healing processes.

Types of Energy Healing

Energy healing encompasses a wide variety of practices, each with its unique techniques and philosophies. Some of the most well-known types include:


Discover the ancient art of Reiki – a powerful form of energy healing. Originating from Japan, Reiki combines the words “universal” and “life energy” to create a practice that aims to remove energy blocks in the body caused by physical or emotional issues. Similar to acupuncture and acupressure, Reiki focuses on improving energy flow to promote relaxation, alleviate pain, and enhance overall well-being. Developed by Mikao Usui in 1922, this hands-on healing technique has been practiced for over 2,500 years.

Experience the transformative benefits of Reiki and bring balance back to your mind, body, and spirit.

Acupuncture and Acupressure

Both practices stem from traditional Chinese medicine and involve stimulating specific points on the body, known as meridians, to improve the flow of energy. Acupuncture uses thin needles, while acupressure uses pressure applied by the hands.

Chakra Balancing

This method focuses on the seven chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Practitioners aim to clear blockages in these chakras to restore balance and promote health and well-being.

Quantum Healing

Quantum healing is based on the principles of quantum physics and involves shifting the body’s energy to a healthy frequency, thereby encouraging the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Experience the power of Quantum-Touch, an energy healing method that harnesses specific breathing techniques and body awareness exercises to unleash a potent field of natural healing energy. By surrounding the affected area with a high vibrational life-force energy field, this technique stimulates the body’s healing abilities for quick and effective results.

Pranic Healing

Pranic healing involves scanning the body’s energy field to detect imbalances and then using techniques to cleanse and replenish the body’s life force or prana.

Experience the power of Pranic Healing, a revolutionary energy healing technique that taps into your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Using life force or prana, Pranic Healing speeds up your body’s own healing process without any physical touch.


This Chinese practice combines breathing exercises, movement, and meditation to achieve harmony and balance in the body’s energy.


Reflexology is based on the principle that specific points on the feet, hands, and ears correspond to different organs and systems in the body. By applying pressure to these points, practitioners can stimulate energy flow and promote healing.

Spiritual Healing

A multidimensional entourage of spirit healers, physicians, and shamans many whom once walked the earth plane and now reside on spirit side. The Team opens up passageways for both healing and guidance to take place. Once passageways are established healing can occur and insights can be received. Helping to clear energetic debris held in your system and restoring life force energies on all levels of your being, from physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Be Open-Minded

Approaching energy healing with an open mind is crucial for anyone considering these therapies. Skepticism is natural, especially for those accustomed to conventional Western medical practices, but openness can significantly enhance the healing experience. Remember, energy healing focuses on the holistic aspect of health, addressing not just the physical but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of an individual.

It’s essential to enter this unique therapeutic process without preconceived notions, allowing yourself to fully experience the benefits it may bring. Engaging with an open heart and mind can lead to profound personal growth and healing, transcending the boundaries of traditional medicine. Whether you are seeking relief from physical pain, emotional stress, or a desire for spiritual awakening, energy healing offers a diverse range of practices suited to individual needs and paths to wellness.

What to Expect Before, During, and After an Energy Healing Therapy Session

Understanding what to expect during an energy healing therapy session can help prepare individuals for the experience, making it more comfortable and beneficial. Before your session begins, most practitioners will hold a brief consultation to discuss your current health, any specific ailments or challenges you wish to address, and what you hope to achieve through the therapy. This dialogue ensures that the session is tailored to your unique needs and sets the stage for a trust-based practitioner-client relationship.

During the session, you should wear comfortable clothing and may be asked to lie down or remain seated in a relaxed position. The practitioner may use various techniques depending on the type of energy healing being administered. Some treatments involve light physical touch, while others work with the energy field around the body. You might experience sensations such as warmth, tingling, or waves of energy, or you might not feel anything tangible at all. Each person’s experience is distinctly personal; there is no right or wrong way to feel.

After the session, it’s common to feel a sense of calm and relaxation. Some individuals report feeling energized or experiencing increased clarity of thought. Practitioners often recommend taking some time for reflection and self-care following a session to support the integration of the healing process. Drinking plenty of water and engaging in gentle activities like walking or meditating can also help to maintain the session’s positive effects. It’s important to stay in touch with your practitioner, providing feedback about your post-session experience and discussing any adjustments needed for future sessions to maximize the benefits of the therapy.




Unlock the Power of Energy Healing for Holistic Wellness and Spiritual Growth

Invigorate your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being with our personalized energy healing sessions. Experience the art of energy medicine firsthand and transform your life with the guidance of our experienced healer.

Discover the Path to Inner Harmony

Personalized Healing, Profound Results

Every individual carries their unique energy signature, and our sessions are tailored to resonate with your specific life force. Our skilled and certified healer adept in a variety of energy modalities, including the ancient art of Reiki, ensuring your treatment is as unique as you are.

A Tapestry of Healing Modalities

Our holistic approach weaves together the best of energy healing practices with traditional and alternative wellness philosophies. This multidimensional strategy aims to restore balance and foster complete health, attending to your body, mind, and spirit.

Certified and Compassionate Healers

Trust your healing process to the hands of our professionals who not only have the certifications but also embody the passion for ushering you into a space of profound peace and health. Their deep understanding of energy medicine amplifies the efficacy of every session.

Empower Your Own Path to Wellness

Beyond the healing session, our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to maintain a harmonious energy flow in your daily life. We are committed to guiding you towards self-awareness and continuous spiritual evolution.

A Commitment to Lasting Transformation

With each energy healing session, anticipate a shift towards greater alignment and vitality. Our dedicated practitioners ensure that the benefits of our sessions extend far beyond our sessions, supporting your long-term wellness and spiritual prosperity.

Are You Ready for Healing?

Step into a world where energy aligns and health abounds. Book Your Personalized Energy Healing Session Now and start your transformational journey today.

Elevate to a state of serenity and vitality. Harness the power of energy healing to make a lasting change in your life.

Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or new to the concept of holistic well-being, our energy healing services open the door to a life remodeled by balance and rejuvenation.

Book Now and Begin Your Journey to Wellness

Experience True Healing. Experience True Growth.

Explore the realms of holistic living and spiritual enlightenment. For every soul’s path is lit by the energy within.

Click Here to Schedule Your Session

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Contact us if you have any questions regarding this service:

Helping people with physical problems for example aches and pains to chronic ailments. Also with emotional problems like stress, worry, anxiety, trauma, even addictions.

The sessions really help give people peace of mind and even mental clarity.


The Barn Meadow Court
Faygate Lane,Faygate,
Horsham, England,
RH12 4SJ
+44 7766 525 614

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